Acupuncture has been practiced in both humans and animals for thousands of years. Acupuncture is a therapy we offer that typically involves insertion of very fine sterile needles into specific points of the body. Among many other things, acupuncture is commonly used in horses for pain relief, promotion of healing tissues and anti-inflammatory effects.


Is acupuncture safe?

Yes! Acupuncture is a very safe medical procedure when administered by a qualified licensed veterinarian. Very few negative effects have been found in clinical cases.


Does acupuncture hurt?

Rarely! Acupuncture is non painful because acupuncture points are stimulated using very fine needles. In general, sedation is not needed before an acupuncture treatment.


How long does each treatment take?

Each session may take 20-45 minutes. The first session usually takes longer than follow-up appointments.


How soon can results be expected?

Some results can be seen immediately but others will require several treatments. Generally a minimum of 3-5 treatments 1-2 weeks a part for chronic conditions before one can expect notable improvement. The doctor will determine at the end of each appointment the time frame for the next treatment.


How should I prepare my horse for the appointment?

Make sure your whole horse is clean and dry. It's best not to plan to ride or exercise your horse for the rest of the day post treatment.