Dental Care:

Oral Examinations:

We provide routine oral examinations and floating for your horses.  Most adult horses need a dental exam every 6 months to a year to help us identify any potential problems.   At the time of the examination, we can tell you if your horse needs their teeth floated.  The doctors also examine the gums to determine if there are any areas of concern as well as look for any problems such as a fractured tooth.  

Routine Teeth Floating:

Most adult horses need their teeth floated at least once a year.  Floating their teeth involves reducing sharp hooks and points that develop naturally.  Floating also helps to balance out a horse's mouth to improve their ability to grind their food, which is essential for our older patients.  To examine and float your horse's teeth, the doctor will need to sedate your horse.  A speculum is used to keep your horse's mouth open so that the veterinarian can easily see inside your horse's mouth to examine the mouth for gum disease, broken or abscessed teeth, and to float the back teeth.